How Physarum polycephalum(slime mould) help to build railway network in Japan

Physarum polycephalum, also known as the "slime mold," has been used to help design a railway network in Japan. The slime mold is a single-celled organism that is capable of finding the most efficient route through a maze. This ability has been harnessed by researchers to design a more efficient railway network.
Physarum polycephalum
In 2010, a team of researchers from Keio University in Tokyo used Physarum polycephalum to design a railway network for the Tokyo metropolitan area. The researchers placed the slime mold on a map of the area and allowed it to grow towards food sources placed at various locations. As the slime mold grew, it created a network of interconnected tubes that closely resembled the existing railway network.
The researchers then compared the network created by the slime mold to the existing railway network and found that it was more efficient in terms of travel time and distance. They suggested that this approach could be used to improve transportation systems in other cities around the world.
In conclusion, Physarum polycephalum has helped to build a more efficient railway network in Japan by providing a unique approach to designing transportation systems. Its ability to find the most efficient route through a maze has been harnessed by researchers to create a more efficient and streamlined railway network.

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