Deuteromycotina: The Imperfect Fungi


⦁Imperfect Fungi,
⦁Asexual Fungi

Deuteromycotina is a polyphyletic group of fungi that reproduce asexually by generating conidia (asexual spores). Because these fungi lack a sexual reproductive cycle, they do not have a known sexual stage in their life cycle. The categorization of Deuteromycotina has been debated, as the lack of a documented sexual stage has made determining their evolutionary links with other fungal taxa problematic. With the introduction of molecular biology tools in recent years, several Deuteromycotina species have been reassigned to other fungal phyla based on genetic similarities. Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Trichoderma are examples of Deuteromycotina that are commonly used in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries for the synthesis of antibiotics and other chemicals. However, genetic analysis has led to the reclassification of many of these fungi into different phyla

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